Metro Engineering Solutions

We’ve worked hard to keep our worksites safe. We work collaboratively in protecting the safety of our customers, and our workers as high priority on and off the job site. This commitment starts at the top and is shared by all employees and partners. We maintain a comprehensive HS&E system that includes:

  • A written safety management manual
  • Dedicated HS&E personnel
  • Routine site audits
  • Real‐time reporting of incidents and near misses
  • Comprehensive training
  • Daily job briefs
  • Safety data sheets

MES Expertise

MES offers a range of expertise in design, management and engineering services. Check out a handful of our services below.

Case Study

Ann Arbor System Improvement

As the design firm for the Ann Arbor System improvement project, MES was responsible for the design, permitting and as-building of over 20,000 feet of underground electric conduit within the City of Ann Arbor.  

Get the Benefit of our Design and Management Expertise

Contact MES today to learn more about how we can help.

Contact MES